Valid and Valued | Recommended Reading List

All the resources listed below are available free for GVSU students, faculty, and staff through the University Libraries using your GVSU login credentials. Special thanks to University librarians Amber Dierking and Kim Ranger for their support of our exhibition reading lists.
The following books were selected in support of the exhibition Valid and Valued: Emphasizing Empathy toward Mental Health, on view in the Kirkhof Center Wall Gallery July 8 - October 28, 2022 and at the Eberhard Center Wall Gallery March 24 - October 6, 2023.
Mental: Everything You Never Knew You Needed to Know About Mental Health
Steve Ellen and Catherine Deveny
London : Anima. 2018
How do we define mental illness? What does a diagnosis mean? What should you ask your doctor before you begin treatment? Are there alternatives to medication? What does the research show actually works? Practitioner and professor of psychiatry Dr Steve Ellen and popular comedian Catherine Deveny combine forces to demystify the world of mental health. Sharing their personal experiences of mental illness and an insider perspective on psychiatry, they unpack the current knowledge about conditions and treatments coveing everything from depression and anxiety to schizophrenia, personality disorders and substance abuse. Whether you have a mental illness or support someone who does, Mental offers clear practical help, empowering you with an arsenal of tips and techniques to help build your resilience.
Mental Health Issues and Their Relation to Identity Distress in College Students, published in Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research
Jessica Samuolis, Meghan Barcellos, Jessica LaFlam, Danielle Belson & Jessica Berard
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2015
Journal Article, Study Findings
This study examined the relation between identity distress and mental health issues in college students. An online survey was utilized to assess whether college students had been diagnosed with or treated for anxiety, depression, substance use, and other mental health issues in the past 12 months. Additionally, identity distress related to long-term goals, friendships, career choice, sexual orientation and behavior, religion, values or beliefs, and group loyalties was assessed. Average identity distress scores were significantly higher for students who had been diagnosed with or treated for a mental health issue. Results also indicated that having been diagnosed with or treated for a mental health issue significantly predicted severe distress related to long-term goals and friendships. Implications of these findings are discussed.
Person-Centered Diagnosis and Treatment in Mental Health: A Model for Empowering Clients
Peter Ladd and AnnMarie Churchill
London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2012
Clients with mental health conditions are often diagnosed and treated using a strictly medical model of diagnosis, with little input from the client themselves.This reference manual takes a person-centered, holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment, seeing the client as the unrecognized expert on their condition and encouraging their collaboration. This qualitative approach aims to find meaning in the experiences of the client, exploring the reasons behind their feelings and behaviour and taking the whole person into account. Designed to complement DSM assessments, the manual covers several different conditions including ADHD, depression, bulimia, and OCD, as well as mental health'patterns'such as abuse, bullying, violence and loss. In each case, the client is involved in the diagnosis and treatment plan. The book features extended case studies, sample questions and treatment plans throughout.This will be an essential reference book for all those involved in mental health diagnosis and treatment, including psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health counselors, clinical social workers, school counselors and therapists.
Black Women's Mental Health : Balancing Strength and Vulnerability
Stephanie Y. Evans, Kanika Bell, and Nsenga K. Burton
Albany: SUNY Press. 2017
This book offers a unique, interdisciplinary, and thoughtful look at the challenges and potency of Black women's struggle for inner peace and mental stability. It brings together contributors from psychology, sociology, law, and medicine, as well as the humanities, to discuss issues ranging from stress, sexual assault, healing, self-care, and contemplative practice to health-policy considerations and parenting. Merging theory and practice with personal narratives and public policy, the book develops a new framework for approaching Black women's wellness in order to provide tangible solutions. The collection reflects feminist praxis and defines womanist peace in terms that reject both'superwoman'stereotypes and'victim'caricatures. Also included for health professionals are concrete recommendations for understanding and treating Black women.
Mental Health Literacy, Self-Efficacy, and Stigma Among College Students
Lauren Beasley, Rebecca Kiser, and Steven Hoffman
Research estimates that 39% of college-aged individuals have a mental health diagnosis. In response to these concerning trends, this study was designed to better understand variables associated with mental well-being among college students. As both a strong sense of self-efficacy and high mental health literacy have been associated with increased mental well-being, this study specifically examines the relationship between mental health literacy and self-efficacy among college students, and if this relationship is moderated by mental health stigma. Study participants were recruited through convenience sampling with the assistance of Qualtrics survey software. A total of 410 undergraduate university students throughout the United States completed the survey. Linear regression results showed that both mental health literacy (b =.37, p <.001), and stigma (b = −0.15, p <.05) were statistically significant predictors of self-efficacy when controlling for gender, age, parental income, and previous mental health diagnosis. Contrary to our hypothesis, stigma was not shown to moderate the relationship between mental health literacy and self-efficacy. The results of our study suggest that increased mental health literacy and less stigmatized attitudes among college students are both associated with increased self-efficacy. Our findings can inform mental health programming at universities.
The Guide to Good Mental Health on the Autism Spectrum
Yenn Purkis, Emma Goodall, and Jane Nugent
Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2016
Filled with strategies and advice, this empowering guide presents practical ways to improve the mental wellbeing of people on the Autism Spectrum. This helpful guide focusses on the specific difficulties that can arise for people on the autism spectrum who may also experience a mental illness. The book includes information on common mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, as well as strategies for improving sleep patterns and mindfulness. Providing guidance on the benefits and drawbacks of therapy pets, medication, and psychotherapy, the authors offer balanced perspectives on treatment options and introduce self-help strategies tailored to meet your needs and improve your mental wellbeing. A number of short personal narratives from people on the autism spectrum and mental health issues illustrate the text. The book also includes a list of resources, books and organisations that can provide further support and inspiration.

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